I recognize that when you choose to visit my website that you are curious as to what you might find.
And that is as it should be. It is that inquisitiveness that keeps us alive and asking about things.
The visit should provide a nice experience for you.
So the thing is, you get to visit, absorb, look, listen, and then leave things as you found them.

I would love to believe that only good-hearted people would visit my website. The fact is that
there will probably be a butthead or two that will stop by. For them I just want to say - move on.
There is some stuff running where you can't see it that will enable me to track you down if the
need ever arose. So by accessing this website, you are agreeing to be a good person and neither
screw up this website nor use it to wreck some havoc on others.

And that's it.

Have a great visit in my make believe world.

I'll be pacing my cage should you need me.

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